Decision Tree

This task will allow the user to train, test and save a decision tree for making predictions.


File Name The name of the file which will be used to save the decision tree model.
Column Selector This column selector is used to pick which columns/variables are used for calculating the Decision Tree.
Autosave When true, the model will be saved upon each execution of the project. If false, it will not.
Split Rule Selects the method by which the tree is split.
Max Nodes Determines the maximum number of nodes in the resulting decision tree. Lower for simpler models and higher for more complex models. Higher node models run the risk of over-fitting while lower complexity models may not accurately model the problem.
Classify Column This represents the column we are trying to predict.
Destination Column The output from decision tree will go into a column of this name.


Any dataset.


  • A decision tree model
  • The decision tree performance
  • A visual representation of the tree.
  • A new column added to the data containing the prediction based on the model.

The following screenshot depicts the various outputs from running a prediction on the iris.csv dataset.

Here is a breakdown of the run:

  1. As indicated by the filename models/iris.dtree.mdl and the autosave setting of false, we are saving models manually.
  2. We are predicting the "Species" based upon the "Sepal Length", "Sepal Width", "Petal Length" and "Petal Width" features.
  3. We limit the number of nodes to 4. A simple model.
  4. We are using GINI impurity to determine when we split nodes.
  5. The model achieves a performance rating of 97.3% correct predictions on the training data using only petal length and width in the calculation.
  6. The visual displays the logic of the model.
    • Petals with lengths <= 2.45 are classified as setosa.
    • Petals with lengths greater than 2.45 are classified as...
      • versacolor if their petal width is <= 1.75 and their petal lengths are <= 4.95
      • virginica if their petal width is <= 1.75 and their petal lengths are > 4.95
      • virginica if their petal > 1.75

Such models are excellent for discovery and imparting machine generated insight to humans.

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