Dex Charts

Task in this category were created via Dex Charts.

Dex Charts is a sister library to Dex. It provides highly configurable visual components and is designed to be easily configured from tools such as Dex.

Also, charts created in Dex Charts are interactive. Behavior in one chart can trigger updates in another.

Bar Chart This task will display a dex bar chart.
Chord Diagram This task will display a dex chord diagram.
Clustered Force This task will display a dex clustered force layout.
Dendrogram This task will display a dex dendrogram.
Dygraph Line Chart This task will display a dygraph line chart.
Motion Bar Chart This task will display a dex motion bar chart.
Motion Chart This task will display a dex motion chart.
Parallel Coordinates This task will display a dex parallel coordinates chart.
Parallel Coordinates -> Chord Diagram This task will display a dex parallel coordinates chart side by side with a chord diagram. When selections are made to the parallel coordinates chart, they are reflected into the chord diagram.
Parallel Coordinates -> Dendrogram This task will display a dex parallel coordinates chart side by side with a dendrogram. When selections are made to the parallel coordinates chart, they are reflected into the dendrogram.
Parallel Coordinates -> Table This task will display a dex parallel coordinates chart side by side with a table. When selections are made to the parallel coordinates chart, they are reflected into the table.
Radar Chart This task will display a dex radar chart.
Sankey Diagram This task will display a dex sankey diagram.
Scatterplot This task will display a dex scatterplot.
SQL -> Parallel Coordinates This task will allow the user to query some embedded SqlLite DB data within an HTML page. Results of the query are reflected in a dex parallel coordinates chart.
SQL -> Table This task will allow the user to query some embedded SqlLite DB data within an HTML page. Results of the query are reflected in a table.
SQL Query This task will allow the user to query some embedded SqlLite DB data within an HTML page.

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